Hisondcs news

Automatic body warehouse operation process

TIME:18-06-05    NUMBER:127

The auto body stereoscopic warehouse can be connected with the welding workshop, the painting workshop and the assembly workshop through the transmission line. The stereoscopic warehouse can be divided into pretreatment area, operation level and elevated area. The pretreatment zone is mainly used for temporary storage of skid and compatible corridor. The operating layer is generally at least two layers, that is, the storehouse and the storehouse, and the outgoing and lacquer body of the body can be separated, that is, a total of four layers. The viaduct refers to the storage of the body's high shelf, also known as the reservoir area. According to the control range, the system can be divided into two levels: the management of the warehouse and the workshop by the company level network, while the stereoscopic library is controlled by a separate control module to select the storage and retrieval of the warehouse, and transmit the time record and the library bit information to the company level network.

Compared with the separate body stereo library, the operation process of the integrated warehouse is also slightly different, and can be decomposed into:

1. the body is transported to the three-dimensional library from the welding shop: the body is welded in the welding shop, through the corridor between the welding shop and the three-dimensional library, the operation layer from the transmission line to the three-dimensional library, and the time of the body out of the body welding shop under the company level network.

2. in white body: in the operation layer, the white body of the stacker is taken from the stack machine, stored in the empty space in the viaduct, the body of the white body is completed, the stereo library control module feedback the information of the library position to the company level network.

3. white body out of the Library: according to the color batch of the painting workshop, the stereoscopic library control module automatically retrieves the temporarily stored body in the elevated area, forked by the stacker, and removed the body of the white body from the elevated area to the exit point of the corresponding operation layer.

4. the white body is transported from a stereoscopic library to a painting workshop: the white body of the sorted white body is transported to the painting workshop by the transport line through the painting workshop between the painting workshop and the three-dimensional library, and the time of the body into the painting workshop is recorded by the company level network.

After 5. paint, the body is transported to the stereo library from the painting workshop: after the painting is completed, the body is re entered into the gallery between the painting workshop and the three-dimensional library. The body is transported back to the three-dimensional library and the body of the body is deposited, and the time of the body spraying is completed by the company level network.

After 6. paint, body storage: like the steps in the body of the white body, the body is taken after the stacker is lacquered. The body is stored at any vacancy in the viaduct, and the body is finished after the paint is finished. The stereo library control module returns the library location information to the company level network again.

After 7. paint, the car body is out of the Library: the company level network sends instructions according to the order of the assembly shop. The stereoscopic library control module automatically retrieves the paint body after the instruction in the elevated area. The body is picked up by the stacking machine, and the body is placed in the corresponding operation layer after the paint is removed from the elevated area.

After 8. lacquer, the body is transported from a three-dimensional library to the assembly workshop: the car body is then transported to the assembly workshop by the conveyer line and then through the corridor between the assembly shop and the three-dimensional library. After coming out from the stereoscopic storehouse, the company level network acquires the order order, and there is no fork intersection from the stereo library to the first workshop of the assembly workshop. That is, in accordance with the FIFO principle, the order from the stereoscopic warehouse is in strict accordance with the order of assembly line.

In order to save the cost of corridor building, when the overall layout of the factory is planned, the assembly shop and the welding shop can be considered, and the corridor between the welding shop and the three-dimensional storehouse, the assembly workshop and the three-dimensional warehouse can be combined, and it is designed to be a one-way double layer, or a two-way single storehouse. Since there are two operating layers in the operation layer of the stereoscopic library, the body automation stereo library should be as close to the painting workshop as possible to shorten the corridor between the painting workshop and the stereoscopic library, or to directly attach the three-dimensional library to the painting workshop, so as to merge the corridors between the two to the pre treatment area of the stereoscopic library. Save cost.
